Новости АИККМП

Med Inspector will monitor counterfeiting in the beauty industry in Russia

The innovative development was presented today at the III All-Russian Forum with international participation NOVAMED 2023, which is taking place these days in Moscow. Telegram-bot @med_inspector_bot will provide online confirmation or refutation of the registration of medical devices, cosmetic and cosmetic products in Russia at the user's request.
The Telegram bot was developed by the Association of Importers of Cosmetology, Cosmetic and Medical Products (AICCMP), which will use the database of the All-Russian Research and Testing Institute of Medical Technology of the Federal State budgetary Institution «Russian Scientific and Research Institute for Medical Engineering» of Federal Service on surveillance in healthcare to check the authenticity of the product. The association and the institute signed a cooperation agreement today on the forum.
«In cosmetology, which is a medical activity, only duly registered preparations may be used. In order to test their safety and clinical efficacy, our institute has become a partner of the association. On the one hand, we will be able to help raise consumer awareness and literacy, and on the other, we will help manufacturers to work legally on the Russian market with all their authorization documents, which they must have in order to sell their product» — noted Igor Ivanov,CEO of FSBI «RSRIME» of Roszdravnadzor.
According to experts, Russia has about 40% of the "gray" market of injectable cosmetology. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of unqualified cosmetologists without medical education and licenses increased almost 2.5 times. The activities of such "specialists" and counterfeit products sold can lead to serious health problems and even be fatal.
«The fact is that the gray market increases its activity and continues to harm the health of patients and destroy the reputation of the beauty industry. The sale of untested products on such a market is uncontrolled, including to people who do not have proper medical education. Recently, we have seen a trend where, for example, injectable products are sold on marketplaces in the public domain. In other words, we can multiply the unprofessionalism of some people by open access to untested products, and we end up with a very sad picture in which ordinary patients suffer» — explained Natalya Ivleva, Executive Director of the AICCMP.
According to Ivleva, affected users of falsified and substandard medical devices, cosmetic and cosmetology products, unprofessional and unlawful work of cosmetologists will be able to apply for legal support. AICCMP specialists will provide relevant assistance.
For reference:
The Association of Importers of Cosmetology, Cosmetic and Medical Products (AICCMP) https://aikkmp.com/ was established in 2023 to protect the interests of all participants of the aesthetic medicine market, to assist in creating favorable conditions for business and professional activities, and to protect the Russian market from the penetration of low-quality products. The association is open to manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, biologically active supplements, aesthetic medicine products, cosmetic products; importers and distributors; controlling, regulatory and executive authorities of the Russian Federation; clinical and research laboratories.